Przez ostatnie lata rządzący Polską oraz media głównego nurtu robiły co się dało żeby poradzić sobie z coraz większą świadomością patriotyczną Polaków oraz tym, że ludzie nie chcieli dać sobie zohydzić i obśmiać niepodległości. Kiedy pomimo ściągnięcia niemieckich bojówek oraz fałszywych przekazów o rzekomym faszyzmie kto chciał znalazł prawdę, postanowiono przykryć i schować niewygodne fakty. Koszty nie mają znaczenie. Nic to wyrzucić 100 mln złotych (23, 776 mln euro) na szczyt klimatyczny ONZ gdzie planowane jest dobicie gospodarek krajów mniej zamożnych takich jak Polska i rozwijających się jak Afryka. Ponoć ONZ walczy z głodem w Afryce, ale chęć walki z głodem i budowania studni nie przeszkadza w hamowaniu rozwoju gospodarki. Jeśli ktoś zauważa w tym nieścisłość i niekonsekwencję odpowiadam: PiJar i robienie wrażenia wrażliwych serduszek to jedno, ale byznes jest byznes i swoje reguły ma. Zaś cała ta szopka pod nazwą „walka z globalnym ociepleniem” oraz „ochrona środowiska” to twardy biznes ze zgrabną otoczką PiJarową dla naiwnych, bo wierzą, że tutaj o przyrodę chodzi.
W takim Murmańsku wiedzieli co robić z wysłannikami Greenpeace. Za to jedno mogę pochwalić Rosję: za nie danie się zastraszyć ekoterrorystom oraz politycznej poprawności. Ani trochę mi nie żal zamkniętych w pudle „ekologów”. Nie żal mi tych, za pośrednictwem dobija się polską energetykę zależną od węgla i polską gospodarkę. Nas na pewne rzeczy nie stać i mamy ważniejsze potrzeby niż głaskanie żabek. Zaś wyrzucenie milionów na organizowanie imprezy kiedy młodzi uciekają z kraju za chlebem, gdy brak perspektyw dla młodych, gdy rozbija nas bomba demograficzna, gdy demontuje się system edukacji i opieki zdrowotnej a emerytura starcza na śmierć głodową… tak może z lekka zirytować, by nie rzec zezłościć do cna. I ja mam pełną świadomość konieczności dywersyfikacji źródeł energii, ale to wymaga czasu i inwestycji. Zaś rządzący Polską za ważniejsze uważają… podlizywanie się „Zachodowi” oraz walkę z patriotami i świadomością patriotyczną. Byle się najdłużej utrzymać.
Co robi Premier Tusk w Dzień Niepodległości? Biega. To nasz taki narodowy sportowiec full wypas, co gra w piłkę, łazi po górach i biega. Może z tym rządzeniem bywa jak bywa, ale za to biega, zaś szef partii opozycyjnej niski i nie biega, co o rzecz jasna dyskwalifikuje. Jak donosi „Gazeta Wyborcza” stała się rzecz straszna: Niemcy nas skrytykowali a to najgorsze z nieszczęść. Bo świat się zawali jak nas „Zachód” nie pochwali. Nawet bieganie Donalda Tuska nie pomogło i czyżbyśmy nie byli cool, trendy i europejscy? Chyba nie i naprawdę nie wiem jak z tym żyć. Zresztą portal robi co może by straszyć narodowcami i szuka z lupą incydentów byle je znaleźć i pokazać jacy my beznadziejni. Jak nie ma zadymy, zadymę się zrobi nic to dla nas. Bo Ruch Narodowy straszny jest, bije gryzie a kto nie wierzy ten ciemny. Smutne to i przewidywalne. Zastanawiam się jakie pomyje zostaną wylane w najbliższych dniach na ludzi dla których liczy się coś więcej niż życie na kredyt, nowy krem i „fajowe” wakacje. Tacy ludzie są zagrożeniem z którym należy walczyć i tacy ludzie zawadzają wielu. Pytają, rozliczają i nie dają sobie wcisnąć tak łatwo byle chłamu. Polacy chcą być dumni ze swej historii, swej narodowości i chcą być dumni z bycia Polakami. Chcą szczęśliwej i rozwijającej się Polski. Kraju z którego młodzi nie uciekają za chlebem, gdzie ludzie mają nadzieję na lepsze jutro i gdzie widzą dla siebie perspektywy. Patrząc na młodsze pokolenie niż moje (pokolenie transformacji oraz „młodych, wykształconych z wielkich miast”) widzę szansę na zmiany. Widzę, że są ludzie nie mający kompleksów wobec Zachodu i chcący czegoś więcej niż ciepłej wody w kranie. I tego może żyć sobie, moim rodakom i mojej Ojczyźnie w rocznicę odzyskania niepodległości. By wreszcie zaczęło iść ku lepszemu i byśmy doczekali się prawdziwych elit zatroskanych o los Polski i jej mieszkańców. To możliwe, chcę wierzyć, że właśnie tak. Bo skoro inne kraje mają takowe elity w czym jesteśmy od nich gorsi? W niczym. I czas przestać słuchać mainstreamu każącemu nam przepraszać, że żyjemy.
What was the main concern of governors of Poland and mainstream media in the last years? Unemployment? Poverty? The demographic bomb? You are wrong. The fact that more and more of us is not longer ashamed of being Poles is something scaring them most. They did a lot to put off independence with a limited success. Previously they even invite German hooligans to kick patriotic marches participants. It was especially frustrating as 11th of November is the memorial day of 11th November of 1918 when Poland recovered its independence after 123 years. During those years Polish terrains were divided between Austria, Germany and Russia. Mainstream media showed fight and tried to persuade everyone it was patriotic marches members who started fights. They failed as on YouTube films showing the truth were available. This year governors of Poland changed tactics and decided to hide the Independence Day, regardless cost. The Climatic Summit by the UN cost us 100 million zlotys (approximately 23, 776 million Euros). During summit talks about how to weaken economy of developing and less expensive countries like Poland. UN is known to fight famine in Africa. Famine fighting is one aspect but business is business. So called “the environmental protection” and “the greenhouse effect” fighting is just a PR and fairytale I don’t believe in. Environment must be protected but humans as well.
Russians in Murmansk knew what should be done with Greenpeace people. In modern Russia one aspect is really great: they are not afraid of political correctness and eco-terrorists. I have no compassion towards ecologists in Russian prison as they were sent there by not friendly organization. Poland is too poor to immediately change our energetic system. We use carbon and carbon means CO2 emission. Buying CO2 emission limits is lethal for our economy. We need to divide energetic sources but we need time and money. Modern Poland is not so bad place to live but we cannot afford take care of frogs when young people emigrate as there is no job here. There are very poor perspectives for young ones. Educational and healthcare system are methodically destroyed. Retirement system is on a poor condition as well and retired ones (no matter what official propaganda is suggesting) are closer to starvation than happy live. We can’t afford UN summits. For the governors however problems mentioned by me are irrelevant. It is more important to guess “What is Europe going to say”. It is more important to be known as “good ones” and to fight and weaken patriots.
On the picture above enemies of governors, elites and mainstream media of Poland are depicted.
Can you guess my guest what Polish PM decided to do in the Independence Day? He chose…. running. No, I made no mistake. He chose running. PM Tusk is known to be our multiple sportsman who is: playing football, running and trekking. He is not the best governor ever but is taller that leader of the main opposition party. According to mainstream this is important trait. Germans were unsatisfied. People in Poland are not happy with the climatic summit. Nothing can be worse even flood, famine or plague. PM who is running is a modern and cool. Ideal according to mainstream. I am waiting to see and hear what will they say about the Independence Day. What will be the crimes committed by the patriotic marches members? What we will be accused of? I am sure they will inform Europe how dangerous and savage Poles are, even if in fact “barbarians” are families with kids. Elites, governors and mainstream media are afraid of anyone wanting something more than credit. They treat self-aware citizens as deadly threat. They know educated and self-aware citizens are asking questions and account politicians for promises made. They are proud not ashamed from Polish traditions and history. They want Poland to be developed and richer country where people want to go instead of escape. Generation younger than my own is promising. They are not believing being “young, educated from the biggest cities” (so called elite voting for governing party) will make them happy. They want to decide independently. They don’t feel worse than Germans, French or Italians. I want live long enough to see real elites of Poland. Elites being concerned of my country and its inhabitants. Elites saying we should work hard and be proud not being always ashamed and apologizing. We are as good and as bad as any European nation. I hope one day this will be thesis by mainstream. I wish you such elites and media Poland, my beloved Homeland.
What was the main concern of governors of Poland and mainstream media in the last years? Unemployment? Poverty? The demographic bomb? You are wrong. The fact that more and more of us is not longer ashamed of being Poles is something scaring them most. They did a lot to put off independence with a limited success. Previously they even invite German hooligans to kick patriotic marches participants. It was especially frustrating as 11th of November is the memorial day of 11th November of 1918 when Poland recovered its independence after 123 years. During those years Polish terrains were divided between Austria, Germany and Russia. Mainstream media showed fight and tried to persuade everyone it was patriotic marches members who started fights. They failed as on YouTube films showing the truth were available. This year governors of Poland changed tactics and decided to hide the Independence Day, regardless cost. The Climatic Summit by the UN cost us 100 million zlotys (approximately 23, 776 million Euros). During summit talks about how to weaken economy of developing and less expensive countries like Poland. UN is known to fight famine in Africa. Famine fighting is one aspect but business is business. So called “the environmental protection” and “the greenhouse effect” fighting is just a PR and fairytale I don’t believe in. Environment must be protected but humans as well.
Russians in Murmansk knew what should be done with Greenpeace people. In modern Russia one aspect is really great: they are not afraid of political correctness and eco-terrorists. I have no compassion towards ecologists in Russian prison as they were sent there by not friendly organization. Poland is too poor to immediately change our energetic system. We use carbon and carbon means CO2 emission. Buying CO2 emission limits is lethal for our economy. We need to divide energetic sources but we need time and money. Modern Poland is not so bad place to live but we cannot afford take care of frogs when young people emigrate as there is no job here. There are very poor perspectives for young ones. Educational and healthcare system are methodically destroyed. Retirement system is on a poor condition as well and retired ones (no matter what official propaganda is suggesting) are closer to starvation than happy live. We can’t afford UN summits. For the governors however problems mentioned by me are irrelevant. It is more important to guess “What is Europe going to say”. It is more important to be known as “good ones” and to fight and weaken patriots.
On the picture above enemies of governors, elites and mainstream media of Poland are depicted.
Can you guess my guest what Polish PM decided to do in the Independence Day? He chose…. running. No, I made no mistake. He chose running. PM Tusk is known to be our multiple sportsman who is: playing football, running and trekking. He is not the best governor ever but is taller that leader of the main opposition party. According to mainstream this is important trait. Germans were unsatisfied. People in Poland are not happy with the climatic summit. Nothing can be worse even flood, famine or plague. PM who is running is a modern and cool. Ideal according to mainstream. I am waiting to see and hear what will they say about the Independence Day. What will be the crimes committed by the patriotic marches members? What we will be accused of? I am sure they will inform Europe how dangerous and savage Poles are, even if in fact “barbarians” are families with kids. Elites, governors and mainstream media are afraid of anyone wanting something more than credit. They treat self-aware citizens as deadly threat. They know educated and self-aware citizens are asking questions and account politicians for promises made. They are proud not ashamed from Polish traditions and history. They want Poland to be developed and richer country where people want to go instead of escape. Generation younger than my own is promising. They are not believing being “young, educated from the biggest cities” (so called elite voting for governing party) will make them happy. They want to decide independently. They don’t feel worse than Germans, French or Italians. I want live long enough to see real elites of Poland. Elites being concerned of my country and its inhabitants. Elites saying we should work hard and be proud not being always ashamed and apologizing. We are as good and as bad as any European nation. I hope one day this will be thesis by mainstream. I wish you such elites and media Poland, my beloved Homeland.
Jeśli protestujący przywiązujący się do platformy wiertniczej to "terroryści", kim są w takim razie podpalacze ambasad?
OdpowiedzUsuń"Znaj proporcję, mocium Panie", pisał klasyk;)
Jeśli zabrakło Antify, na którą można było zwalić całą winę za zadymy, pozostają zawsze prowokatorzy..
A taka trawestacja Kory na klimat Magyar Sziget? "Łysi łysych kochają, choćby z odległych krajów, nazi-pamiątki zbierają, a w tle Skrewdriver graaa"
Polska nie Węgry, pomimo że bratanki. U nas nie było strzałokrzyżowców, choć kandydaci zawsze się znajdą.
Tacy ludzie to bandyci.